Global Corruption Barometer

Data source: Transparency International

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The Global Corruption Barometer is the only world wide public opinion survey about the views and experiences of corruption.

The Global Corruption Barometer asks for people's views on corruption in their country generally, how the level of corruption has changed and in which institutions the problem of corruption is most severe. It also provides a measure of people's experience of bribery in the past year across six different services. The survey asks people how well or badly they think their government has done at stopping corruption.

For the 2015-2017 version all the values have been assigned the year 2016.

Note: Only valid answers are used when calculating the averages, "Unknown'', ``Don't know'' etc. are excluded.

For the 2003-2013 version, the data for a country is marked as missing if there are less than 100 respondents per year, if there are 100 or more, the value corresponds to the mean of all answers.

Last updated by source: 2021-02-22

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• International, T. (2017). Global corruption barometer 9th edition.

Variables in this dataset:

Paid Bribe: Customs
QoG Code: gcb_bc

In the past 12 months have you or anyone living in your household paid a bribe in any form to each of the following institutions/organizations? Customs. Share of population answering Yes.

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   Paid Bribe: Education System
QoG Code: gcb_bed

In the past 12 months have you or anyone living in your household paid a bribe in any form to each of the following institutions/organizations? Education system. Share of population answering Yes.

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Paid Bribe: Electricity
QoG Code: gcb_bel

In the past 12 months have you or anyone living in your household paid a bribe in any form to each of the following institutions/organizations? Electricity. Share of population answering Yes.

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Paid Bribe: Gas Provider
QoG Code: gcb_bgas

In the past 12 months have you or anyone living in your household paid a bribe in any form to each of the following institutions/organizations? Gas providers. Share of population answering Yes.

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   Paid Bribe: Legal System/Judiciary System
QoG Code: gcb_bj

In the past 12 months have you or anyone living in your household paid a bribe in any form to each of the following institutions/organizations? Legal system/Judiciary system. Share of population answering Yes.

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Paid Bribe: Legal System
QoG Code: gcb_bl

In the past 12 months have you or anyone living in your household paid a bribe in any form to each of the following institutions/organizations? Legal system. Share of population answering Yes.

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Paid Bribe: Land Services
QoG Code: gcb_bland

In the past 12 months have you or anyone living in your household paid a bribe in any form to each of the following institutions/organizations? Land services. Share of population answering Yes.

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   Paid Bribe: Medical Services
QoG Code: gcb_bmed

In the past 12 months have you or anyone living in your household paid a bribe in any form to each of the following institutions/organizations? Medical services. Share of population answering Yes.

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   Paid Bribe: Registry and permit services
QoG Code: gcb_bper

In the past 12 months have you or anyone living in your household paid a bribe in any form to each of the following institutions/organizations? Registry and permit services. Share of population answering Yes.

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   Paid Bribe: Police
QoG Code: gcb_bpol

In the past 12 months have you or anyone living in your household paid a bribe in any form to each of the following institutions/organizations? Police. Share of population answering Yes.

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Total bribery rate, total population
QoG Code: gcb_br

Total bribery rates by country. Total Bribery rate, total population. In percentage.

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Total bribery rate, contact rate
QoG Code: gcb_brcr

Total bribery rates by country. Total Contact Rate in percentage.

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Total bribery rate, no contact rate
QoG Code: gcb_brnc

Total bribery rates by country. Total Bribery Rate, excluding no contact in percentage.

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   Paid Bribe: Tax Revenue
QoG Code: gcb_btax

In the past 12 months have you or anyone living in your household paid a bribe in any form to each of the following institutions/organizations? Tax revenue. Share of population answering Yes.

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Paid Bribe: Telephone
QoG Code: gcb_btele

In the past 12 months have you or anyone living in your household paid a bribe in any form to each of the following institutions/organizations? Telephone. Share of population answering Yes.

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   Paid Bribe: Utilities
QoG Code: gcb_butil

In the past 12 months have you or anyone living in your household paid a bribe in any form to each of the following institutions/organizations? Utilities. Share of population answering Yes.

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Paid Bribe: Water Service Provider
QoG Code: gcb_bwat

In the past 12 months have you or anyone living in your household paid a bribe in any form to each of the following institutions/organizations? Water service provider. Share of population answering Yes.

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Fight aganist corruption: Badly (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_fcbad

Percentage of respondents who answered `Badly' to the following question: How well or badly would you say the current government is handling the following matter: ``fighting corruption in government''?

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Fight aganist corruption: Well (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_fcwell

Percentage of respondents who answered `Well' to the following question: How well or badly would you say the current government is handling the following matter: ``fighting corruption in government''?

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Feel personally obliged to report corruption: Agree (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_orcag

Percentage of respondents who answered `Agree' to the following question: Would you agree or disagree with the following statement: If I would witness an act of corruption, I would feel personally obliged to report it.

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Feel personally obliged to report corruption: Disagree (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_orcdis

Percentage of respondents who answered `Disagree' to the following question: Would you agree or disagree with the following statement: If I would witness an act of corruption, I would feel personally obliged to report it.

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   Corruption Perception: Business
QoG Code: gcb_pb

To what extent do you perceive the following categories in this country to be affected by corruption? Business. 1 (Not at all corrupt) - 5 (Extremely corrupt).

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Corruption Perception: Customs
QoG Code: gcb_pc

To what extent do you perceive the following categories in this country to be affected by corruption? Customs. 1 (Not at all corrupt) - 5 (Extremely corrupt).

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Corruption Perception-Business Executives: Most (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pcbmost

Percentage of respondents who answered `Most or All' to the following question about Business Executives: How many of the following people do you think are involved in corruption, or haven't you heard enough about them to say?

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Corruption Perception-Business Executives: Some (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pcbsome

Percentage of respondents who answered `Some or None' to the following question about Business Executives: How many of the following people do you think are involved in corruption, or haven't you heard enough about them to say?

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Corruption Perception-Gov Officials: Most (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pcgomost

Percentage of respondents who answered `Most or All' to the following question about Government Officials: How many of the following people do you think are involved in corruption, or haven't you heard enough about them to say?

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Corruption Perception-Gov Officials: Some (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pcgosome

Percentage of respondents who answered `Some or None' to the following question about Government Officials: How many of the following people do you think are involved in corruption, or haven't you heard enough about them to say?

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Corruption Perception-Judges: Most (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pcjmost

Percentage of respondents who answered `Most or All' to the following question about Judges and Magistrates: How many of the following people do you think are involved in corruption, or haven't you heard enough about them to say?

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Corruption Perception-Judges: Some (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pcjsome

Percentage of respondents who answered `Some or None' to the following question about Judges and Magistrates: How many of the following people do you think are involved in corruption, or haven't you heard enough about them to say?

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Corruption Perception-Local Gov Council: Most (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pclgcmost

Percentage of respondents who answered `Most or All' to the following question about Local government councilors: How many of the following people do you think are involved in corruption, or haven't you heard enough about them to say?

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Corruption Perception-Local Gov Council: Some (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pclgcsome

Percentage of respondents who answered `Some or None' to the following question about Local government councilors: How many of the following people do you think are involved in corruption, or haven't you heard enough about them to say?

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Corruption Perception-Legislature: Most (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pclmost

Percentage of respondents who answered `Most or All' to the following question about the Members of Parliament or Senators: How many of the following people do you think are involved in corruption, or haven't you heard enough about them to say?

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Corruption Perception-Legislature: Some (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pclsome

Percentage of respondents who answered `Some or None' to the following question about the Members of Parliament or Senators: How many of the following people do you think are involved in corruption, or haven't you heard enough about them to say?

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Corruption Perception Change: Decrease (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pcord

Percentage of respondents who answered `decreased' to the following question: In your opinion, over the past year, has the level of corruption in this country increased, decreased, or stayed the same?

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Corruption Perception Change: Increase (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pcori

Percentage of respondents who answered `increased' to the following question: In your opinion, over the past year, has the level of corruption in this country increased, decreased, or stayed the same?

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Corruption Perception-Head of State: Most (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pcpmost

Percentage of respondents who answered `Most or All' to the following question about the President or Prime Minister and Officials in his office: How many of the following people do you think are involved in corruption, or haven't you heard enough about them to say?

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Corruption Perception-Police: Most (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pcpolmost

Percentage of respondents who answered `Most or All' to the following question about the Police: How many of the following people do you think are involved in corruption, or haven't you heard enough about them to say?

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Corruption Perception-Police: Some (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pcpolsome

Percentage of respondents who answered `Some or None' to the following question about the Police: How many of the following people do you think are involved in corruption, or haven't you heard enough about them to say?

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Corruption Perception-Head of State: Some (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pcpsome

Percentage of respondents who answered `Some or None' to the following question about the President or Prime Minister and Officials in his office: How many of the following people do you think are involved in corruption, or haven't you heard enough about them to say?

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Corruption Perception-Religious Leaders: Most (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pcrmost

Percentage of respondents who answered `Most or All' to the following question about Religious Leaders: How many of the following people do you think are involved in corruption, or haven't you heard enough about them to say?

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Corruption Perception-Religious Leaders: Some (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pcrsome

Percentage of respondents who answered `Some or None' to the following question about Religious Leaders: How many of the following people do you think are involved in corruption, or haven't you heard enough about them to say?

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Corruption Perception-Tax officers: Most (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pctaxmost

Percentage of respondents who answered `Most or All' to the following question about Tax Officials, like Ministry of Finance officials or Local Government tax collectors: How many of the following people do you think are involved in corruption, or haven't you heard enough about them to say?

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Corruption Perception-Tax officers: Some (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pctaxsome

Percentage of respondents who answered `Some or None' to the following question about Tax Officials, like Ministry of Finance officials or Local Government tax collectors: How many of the following people do you think are involved in corruption, or haven't you heard enough about them to say?

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   Corruption Perception: Education
QoG Code: gcb_ped

To what extent do you perceive the following categories in this country to be affected by corruption? Education. 1 (Not at all corrupt) - 5 (Extremely corrupt).

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Can people fight aganist corruption: agree (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pfcaag

Percentage of respondents who answered `Agree' to the following question: Would you agree or disagree with the following statement: Ordinary people can make a difference in the fight against corruption.

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Can people fight aganist corruption: disagree (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_pfcdis

Percentage of respondents who answered `Disagree' to the following question: Would you agree or disagree with the following statement: Ordinary people can make a difference in the fight against corruption.

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   Corruption Perception: Judiciary/Legal System
QoG Code: gcb_pj

To what extent do you perceive the following categories in this country to be affected by corruption? Judiciary/Legal system. 1 (Not at all corrupt) - 5 (Extremely corrupt).

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   Corruption Perception: Medical Services
QoG Code: gcb_pmed

To what extent do you perceive the following categories in this country to be affected by corruption? Medical services. 1 (Not at all corrupt) - 5 (Extremely corrupt).

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   Corruption Perception: Media
QoG Code: gcb_pmedia

To what extent do you perceive the following categories in this country to be affected by corruption? Media. 1 (Not at all corrupt) - 5 (Extremely corrupt).

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   Corruption Perception: Military
QoG Code: gcb_pmil

To what extent do you perceive the following categories in this country to be affected by corruption? Military. 1 (Not at all corrupt) - 5 (Extremely corrupt).

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   Corruption Perception: NGOs
QoG Code: gcb_pngo

To what extent do you perceive the following categories in this country to be affected by corruption? NGOs. 1 (Not at all corrupt) - 5 (Extremely corrupt).

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Corruption Perception: Public Officials/Civil Servants
QoG Code: gcb_poff

To what extent do you perceive the following categories in this country to be affected by corruption? Public officials/Civil servants. 1 (Not at all corrupt) - 5 (Extremely corrupt).

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   Corruption Perception: Political Parties
QoG Code: gcb_ppa

To what extent do you perceive the following categories in this country to be affected by corruption? Political parties. 1 (Not at all corrupt) - 5 (Extremely corrupt).

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   Corruption Perception: Parliament
QoG Code: gcb_pparl

To what extent do you perceive the following categories in this country to be affected by corruption? Parliament. 1 (Not at all corrupt) - 5 (Extremely corrupt).

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   Corruption Perception: Registry and permit services
QoG Code: gcb_pper

To what extent do you perceive the following categories in this country to be affected by corruption? Registry and permit services. 1 (Not at all corrupt) - 5 (Extremely corrupt).

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   Corruption Perception: Police
QoG Code: gcb_ppol

To what extent do you perceive the following categories in this country to be affected by corruption? Police. 1 (Not at all corrupt) - 5 (Extremely corrupt).

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   Corruption Perception: Religious Bodies
QoG Code: gcb_prel

To what extent do you perceive the following categories in this country to be affected by corruption? Religious bodies. 1 (Not at all corrupt) - 5 (Extremely corrupt).

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   Corruption Perception: Tax Revenue
QoG Code: gcb_ptax

To what extent do you perceive the following categories in this country to be affected by corruption? Tax revenue. 1 (Not at all corrupt) - 5 (Extremely corrupt).

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   Corruption Perception: Utilities
QoG Code: gcb_putil

To what extent do you perceive the following categories in this country to be affected by corruption? Utilities. 1 (Not at all corrupt) - 5 (Extremely corrupt).

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Is it socially acceptable to report corruption: agree (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_sarcag

Percentage of respondents who answered `Agree' to the following question: Would you agree or disagree with the following statement: In our society it is generally acceptable for people to report a case of corruption they witness.

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Is it socially acceptable to report corruption: disagree (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_sarcdis

Percentage of respondents who answered `Disagree' to the following question: Would you agree or disagree with the following statement: In our society it is generally acceptable for people to report a case of corruption they witness.

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Would spend a whole day in court to give evidence: agree (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_wsdag

Percentage of respondents who answered `Agree' to the following question: Would you agree or disagree with the following statement: I would report a case of corruption even if I would have to spend a day in court to give evidence.

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Would spend a whole day in court to give evidence: disagree (% respondents)
QoG Code: gcb_wsddis

Percentage of respondents who answered `Disagree' to the following question: Would you agree or disagree with the following statement: I would report a case of corruption even if I would have to spend a day in court to give evidence.

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